
Recording Video of an Android Device


This guide is about how to record a video from a device. This can be done two ways:

  1. Using Android Studio
  2. Directly through ADB

1. Using Android Studio

Open Android Studio. First, go to your menu and View -> Tool Windows -> Logcat. To take a video recording of your app, see these instructions.

2. Directly through ADB

  1. Connect your device to the computer using USB
  2. Open up the terminal and find the path to adb executable on your machine.
  3. Run the adb shell screenrecord to start recording
cd /Users/myusername/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools
./adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/myapp.mp4
  1. Press Ctrl-C to stop recording when done
  2. Copy the video from the device to your computer:
./adb pull /sdcard/myapp.mp4 \local\path

Additional resources and options can be reviewed:

With this, you can now easily record videos directly on an Android device.

Recording with an Emulator

Alternatively, apps can be recorded using the official or genymotion emulators. The easiest way to record your screen on OSX is to use the Quicktime Player:

  1. Launch Quicktime Player
  2. Select File => New Screen Recording
  3. Click "Down Arrow" next to Record to Configure Microphone
  4. Drag to Select Emulator Bounds
  5. When done, hit "Stop" icon in Status Bar at the Top
  6. Download and use Handbrake to compress the video.


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