Unit 2 Session 1 (Click for link to problem statements)
Understand what the interviewer is asking for by using test cases and questions about the problem.
Q: What does it mean for the code to be balanced?
Q: Can the string be empty or consist of only one letter?
Q: What if all letters already have the same frequency?
.Q: How do we handle cases with different frequencies?
Plan the solution with appropriate visualizations and pseudocode.
General Idea: We need to determine if we can remove exactly one letter from the string so that the remaining letters have equal frequencies. To achieve this, we'll use frequency dictionaries to track how often each letter appears and how often each frequency occurs.
1) Create a frequency dictionary (`freq_dict`) to count how often each character appears in the code.
2) Create a frequency of frequencies dictionary (`frequency_count`) to count how often each frequency appears in `freq_dict`.
3) Determine the number of unique frequencies.
4) If there are three or more unique frequencies, it's impossible to balance the code by removing just one letter, so return `False`.
5) If there's only one unique frequency:
- If all characters are the same or have a frequency of 1, return `True`.
6) If there are exactly two unique frequencies, check if removing one letter can balance the remaining letters:
- If one frequency is 1 and it occurs exactly once, return `True`.
- If the difference between the two frequencies is 1 and the higher frequency occurs exactly once, return `True`.
7) If none of the conditions are met, return `False`.
⚠️ Common Mistakes
def is_balanced(code):
# Step 1: Create a frequency dictionary for characters
# freq_dict will store the frequency of each character in the string 'code'
freq_dict = {}
for char in code:
if char in freq_dict:
freq_dict[char] += 1
freq_dict[char] = 1
# Step 2: Create a frequency of frequencies dictionary
# frequency_count will store how many times each frequency occurs
frequency_count = {}
for val in freq_dict.values():
if val in frequency_count:
frequency_count[val] += 1
frequency_count[val] = 1
# dict_length stores the number of unique frequencies
dict_length = len(frequency_count)
# If there are 3 or more different frequencies, it's impossible to balance by removing one character
if dict_length >= 3:
return False
# If there's only one unique frequency
if dict_length == 1:
# Check if all characters are the same or if the frequency is 1, which is a special case
if len(freq_dict.keys()) == 1:
return True
# If all characters have the same frequency, we can remove one to potentially balance the string
return list(frequency_count.keys())[0] == 1
# If there are exactly two unique frequencies
for val, freq in frequency_count.items():
# Check if one of the frequencies is 1 and it occurs exactly once, allowing removal to balance the string
if val == 1 and freq == 1:
return True
# Extract the two unique frequencies for further checks
values = list(frequency_count.keys())
# Check if the difference between the two frequencies is 1 and the higher frequency occurs exactly once
if values[0] - values[1] == 1 and frequency_count[values[0]] == 1:
return True
# Check the reverse of the above condition
if values[1] - values[0] == 1 and frequency_count[values[1]] == 1:
return True
# If none of the conditions are met, it's impossible to balance by removing one character
return False