
Meme Trend Identification

Unit 4 Session 1 Standard (Click for link to problem statements)


Understand what the interviewer is asking for by using test cases and questions about the problem.

  • Q: What is the structure of the input?

    • A: The input is a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains keys such as "creator" and "text".
  • Q: What is the output?

    • A: The output is a dictionary where the keys are creators' names and the values are the number of memes they have created.
  • Q: What should the function return if the input list is empty?

    • A: The function should return an empty dictionary.
  • Q: Are there any constraints on the input, such as the presence of the "creator" key in each dictionary?

    • A: It is assumed that each dictionary in the list will have a "creator" key with a corresponding value.


Plan the solution with appropriate visualizations and pseudocode.

General Idea: Iterate over each dictionary in the input list, extract the value associated with the "creator" key, and update a count in a dictionary to track the number of memes each creator has made.

1) Initialize an empty dictionary called `creator_count`.
2) For each dictionary (meme) in the input list:
   a) Extract the value associated with the `"creator"` key.
   b) If the creator is already in `creator_count`, increment their count by 1.
   c) If the creator is not in `creator_count`, add them with a count of 1.
3) Return the `creator_count` dictionary as the output.

**⚠️ Common Mistakes**

- Forgetting to initialize the creator count correctly when encountering a creator for the first time.
- Assuming that the `"creator"` key will always be present in the dictionaries without verifying.


def count_meme_creators(memes):
    creator_count = {}
    for meme in memes:
        creator = meme["creator"]
        if creator in creator_count:
            creator_count[creator] += 1
            creator_count[creator] = 1
    return creator_count
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