Unit 4 Session 2 Standard (Click for link to problem statements)
Understand what the interviewer is asking for by using test cases and questions about the problem.
format).Plan the solution with appropriate visualizations and pseudocode.
General Idea: Use a dictionary to track the number of visits and the latest visit date for each destination. Iterate through the visits to populate this dictionary. Then, determine the destination with the highest visit count, breaking ties by comparing the latest visit dates.
1) Initialize a dictionary `destination_info` to store visit counts and latest visit dates for each destination.
2) Iterate through the `visits` list:
a) For each `(destination, date)` pair, update the visit count and the latest visit date in `destination_info`.
3) Initialize variables `max_count`, `popular_destination`, and `latest_date` to track the most visited destination and the latest visit date.
4) Iterate through `destination_info`:
a) If the current destination has a higher visit count or the same count but a more recent visit date, update `max_count`, `popular_destination`, and `latest_date`.
5) Return a tuple `(popular_destination, max_count)`.
**⚠️ Common Mistakes**
- Not correctly updating the latest visit date for destinations.
- Forgetting to handle ties by checking the latest visit date.
- Assuming the input list is always non-empty or well-formed.
def most_popular_destination(visits):
# Dictionary to store visit counts and latest visit date for each destination
destination_info = {}
for destination, date in visits:
if destination not in destination_info:
destination_info[destination] = {"count": 0, "latest_date": "}
destination_info[destination]["count"] += 1
if date > destination_info[destination]["latest_date"]:
destination_info[destination]["latest_date"] = date
# Finding the most popular destination with the latest visit date in case of a tie
max_count = 0
popular_destination = None
latest_date = "
for destination, info in destination_info.items():
if (info["count"] > max_count or
(info["count"] == max_count and info["latest_date"] > latest_date)):
max_count = info["count"]
popular_destination = destination
latest_date = info["latest_date"]
return (popular_destination, max_count)
Example Usage:
visits = ["Paris", "2024-07-15"], ("Tokyo", "2024-08-01"), ("Paris", "2024-08-05"), ("New York", "2024-08-10"), ("Tokyo", "2024-08-15"), ("Paris", "2024-08-20")]
# Output: ('Paris', 3)
visits_2 = [("London", "2024-06-01"), ("Berlin", "2024-06-15"), ("London", "2024-07-01"), ("Berlin", "2024-07-10"), ("London", "2024-07-15")]
# Output: ('London', 3)
visits_3 = [("Sydney", "2024-05-01"), ("Dubai", "2024-05-15"), ("Sydney", "2024-05-20"), ("Dubai", "2024-06-01"), ("Dubai", "2024-06-15")]
# Output: ('Dubai', 3)